The evolutionary precursors to mammals dominated the country until a mass extinction event ended their reign.
This suggests that organisms resembling cyanobacteria were the evolutionary precursors of chloroplasts.
Organic chemicals are carbon-rich molecules and the evolutionary precursors of life.
Archaeal histones may well resemble the evolutionary precursors to eukaryotic histones.
Lampreys and hagfishes have cells in their brainstems that can be identified as the evolutionary precursors of the mesencephalic nucleus.
He argues they are not evolutionary precursors of capitalism, but the product of the encounter between the West and the Rest.
These may well constitute the evolutionary precursors in legumes for nitrogen fixation through nodulation.
But what we guessed was that it might be an evolutionary precursor.
As for the evolutionary precursors of the system, both hydrogen peroxide and various kinds of quinones are used for other purposes in body chemistry.
Such a system could be a very early evolutionary precursor of respiratory systems in all higher organisms today.