Biological classification schemes are not merely a convenience, they are an attempt to show the actual phylogeny (the evolutionary relatedness) within a group of organisms.
Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary relatedness of organisms.
Laboratory phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary relatedness of laboratory-evolved organisms.
"These embellishments are central to determining relationships between the groups of horned dinosaurs and are a sign of evolutionary relatedness."
In some cases, evolutionary relatedness can be estimated by the amount of conservation of these sites.
A reviewer pointed out that Jerdon seemed unaware of the significance of geographic distributions in evolutionary relatedness.
According to some evolutionary models, shared duplicated pseudogenes indicate the evolutionary relatedness of humans and the other primates.
This further emphasises the evolutionary relatedness of the class II genes.
The 2011 Plant Family Tree presents a selection of well-known plants arranged according to their evolutionary relatedness and age of diversification.
Proteins are classified to reflect both structural and evolutionary relatedness.