These rodents are thought to have evolved adaptations to living underground independently until recent genetic studies demonstrated they form a monophyletic group.
He wants to evolve genetic adaptations that will allow organisms to survive the stress of working close to singular- ities.
He wants to evolve genetic adaptations that will allow organ- isms to survive the stress of working close to singularities.
They evolved sophisticated adaptations of their own, like sense organs in their bills that can detect faint electric fields produced by other animals.
Thus, in manakins, the males have evolved adaptations to suit the females' attraction towards sound.
In order to survive these ice ages, heidelbergensis evolved physical adaptations to the cold, and became the Neanderthals.
Pinaceae that persist in areas where tree squirrels are abundant do not seem to have evolved adaptations for bird dispersal.
Many modern diprotodonts, however, are strictly terrestrial, and have evolved further adaptations to their feet to better suit this lifestyle.
This consists of females evolving adaptations to male advances and males evolving counter-adaptations as a response.