The idea of tractors, automobiles, and similar land vehicles having a steering wheel probably evolved directly from the ship's wheel.
An alternative view is that the name evolved directly from the name Constantinople, with the first and third syllables dropped.
Another theory says that the naginata evolved directly as a weapon.
"Do you mean to tell me that the Spiders evolved directly from algae?"
The La-120 design directly evolved into La-126.
After the advent of radio and television, the speeches evolved from bland reports to Congress to often personal and rousing messages directly to the people.
These stars usually become blue supergiants, although it is possible that some of them evolve directly to Wolf-Rayet stars.
Neanderthals, he said, evolved directly into modern humans or are at least very close on the evolutionary tree.
That our ability to perceive signals in the environment evolved directly from our bacterial ancestors.
The Seattle-based grunge movement was among the many styles of music that directly evolved from hardcore.