Therefore, relatively few of them persist in a population that is not exposed to a particular insecticide to which they have evolved resistance.
Microorganisms evolve resistance through natural selection acting upon random mutation.
However, the Tharu people had lived in this zone long enough to evolve resistance via multiple genes.
They have evolved resistance to just about every pesticide used against them over the past century.
Plasmodium has also been able to evolve resistance to the few drugs that we've been using to treat it.
Further from there, they could evolve resistance to consumption by grey goo nanobots.
In both areas, organisms have had the opportunity over many generations to evolve resistance, via mutation, to their pathogens.
Some populations have evolved resistance to certain herbicides, including glyphosphate.
If other species can be preserved for long enough, they may evolve resistance as well.
Pathogens respond to the use of fungicides by evolving resistance.