Allmusic website claimed "Moore smoothly evolved from adolescent starlet to mature songwriter, continuing to distance herself from the scene that had launched her career one decade prior."
Bado glances at the numbers; the CRT display evolves smoothly through height and velocity readings.
This combination of legislation and subordinated legislation should yield a body of law that evolves smoothly over time.
Inbetweening or tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image.
Regular perturbation theory may only be used to find those solutions of a problem that evolve smoothly out of the initial solution when changing the parameter (that are "adiabatically connected" to the initial solution).
Up to that moment it can be in a state evolving smoothly according to the Schrödinger equation, gently and continuously trimming the balance between "here" and "there".
The Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics hypothesizes that the state of the universe evolves smoothly through time with no collapsing of quantum wavefunctions.
If, in the future, homes are linked by high-speed optical fibers, digital television sets will be able to evolve smoothly from passive viewing boxes to tools.
Baldwin would have trouble understanding guitars in general and the White Falcon in particular, which disastrously failed to evolve smoothly out of the rockabilly era.
If we now leave this state alone, it will smoothly evolve in time according to the Schrödinger equation.