Although almost his entire career was spent in peacetime, Hornby was regarded as not only an able administrator but also a brilliant handler of ships who did most to evolve new tactics as the navy finally abandoned sail for steam power, turret ships, and the threat of the torpedo.
With millions of dollars in play, the wholesalers have evolved tactics that often stymie even the most sincere investigators.
The IAPF's key members have accumulated significant amounts of time in modern wartime theatres such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and have been exposed to evolving tactics and technology.
The Ngoni were a people with a mixed farming heritage of agriculture and herding, who had evolved extraordinary military tactics and organization.
Israeli officials said they were turning to new methods to combat what they described as evolving Palestinian tactics.
In the Pacific, the Japanese Navy failed to get a grip on the problems of convoy defence and failed to evolve effective anti-submarine tactics.
The assumption is that they will have noted the presence of two uprated Mark XXVIIIs on Delas and evolved both weapons and tactics necessary for countering a Bolo defense.
IN PURSUIT of nourishment from otherwise unpalatable plants, many insects have evolved various protective tactics, such as chemicals that detoxify noxious substances in plants.