Grant Kline - An ex-gang member who turned his life around, thanks to Jeff.
The show involved Yates speaking to many gang members as well as ex-gang members to find out about why and how teens get into gangs.
The video for "Down", which features real-life ex-gang members, made its television premiere on June 2, 2004.
It was passed with little fanfare, apparently, he said, because "there were some people who were worried about ex-gang members running against them."
An ex-gang member, Bo attends Sussex Academy on a scholarship.
The three ex-gang members have all taken pledges of nonviolence.
The movie has real ex-gang members.
Nick spends the day with an ex-gang member.
In 1995, a group of ex-gang members joined to create the Compton Cricket Club.
"The more he is exposed to these kinds of leaders, the Cardinal, ex-gang members, he cannot help but be impressed."