The guy who arrested us was good-some kind of ex-military man.
There was far more at stake here than the life of one corrupt ex-military man.
The grandfather who is very rich is an ex-military man.
"He's an ex-military man, and I guess it's his nature to be more forthright than tactful."
Fortunately, as an ex-military man himself, he had prepared his fallback options.
He wondered if any of them were hunters or ex-military men with enough sawy to have pinpointed his position.
But here we find these obviously military or ex-military men, guarding your family-and more soldiers outside ready to burst in.
Xris paired himself up with Jamil, the only ex-military man among them.
First, the men working the factories were ex-military men and not experienced fur traders.
The squat ex-military man rubbed a hand over his chin and took a firmer stance.