Occupation authorities had blacklisted the ex-military officers, disregarding age or sympathies.
Rajkiran, an ex-military officer proudly watches the fight along with many others.
The list includes at least four ex-military officers as well as Islamists, judges, diplomats and others.
Some ex-military officers have dismissed Rousseff's account, saying that she could not have survived that extent of torture.
It was a favorite haunt of many ex-military officers.
Once there, he met many other ex-military officers who were of the same mind as he: We won the war and we still got screwed.
He founded a special camp outside Moscow and trained a selection of handpicked men (usually ex-military officers) to act as handlers of his various moles.
Now an ex-military officer, Kumaaran is running the canteen of Mahatma College after a tragic incident that took his father and sister's life.
Around 60% of Chatichai's cabinet members were former business executives rather than the ex-military officers in the previous cabinet.
"I'm sorry, Rachel," the ex-military officer said as he halted beside me.