This absence of a continuous sense of time made an exact computation of past centuries extremely difficult, particularly because of co-regencies, parallel reigns and fictitious reigns.
But again this was a way to explain problems with optics in an age before exact computations were easy.
Despite all these years, the mechanism of high-T superconductivity is still highly controversial, mostly due to the lack of exact theoretical computations on such strongly interacting electron systems.
Euler contains libraries for statistics, exact numerical computations with interval inclusions, differential equations and stiff equations, astronomical functions, geometry, and more.
The calculator has had a profound impact on the world, making computations quicker and more exact.
Even though the situation is not as well understood as for exact computation, large areas of the plane are known to be hard to approximate.
It deals with exact computation, for example with integers of arbitrary size, polynomials or elements of finite fields.
Since you know when Grell died," he stated, slowly, "tests of his blood would serve as a basis for exact computation of the time element.
I'll do the exact computations later, but I would guess that it will lift five or six people up over those walls and inside before it bums out.
As numerical softwares are highly efficient for approximate numerical computation, it is common, in computer algebra, to emphasize on exact computation with exactly represented data.