But this equivalence was not always true before March 1960, and the exact correspondence broke down again in 1996.
Of course, we would not expect exact correspondence even after adjustments are made owing to differences in efficiency and service quality.
In motion estimation an exact 1:1 correspondence of pixel positions is not a requirement.
As the car slowed, he began to lose weight, and his gorge began to rise in an exact correspondence.
We have not been able to trace it anywhere else with such exact correspondence in every detail.
The computer model should then evolve from state to state in exact correspondence with the evolution of our original matter-energy world.
However there is not an exact correspondence of values between the old and new standards.
There is a much more exact correspondence between the natural and moral world than we are apt to take notice of.
I believe that real literature is born from the exact correspondence of word and thing.
But "the same way" does not mean an exact correspondence or the piece would grow leaden.