Fishermen would lay out their catch according to the type and part of the fish, allowing makers to pick the exact ingredients they wanted.
The exact ingredients of the plastic are not known since there were no records kept of the plastic itself.
Unfortunately, George cannot remember the exact ingredients he had used the day before.
The exact ingredients of this toothpaste are not currently known, but it was reported to have been both "functional and pleasant to taste."
The exact ingredients are kept secret - they are what make each Vieux unique.
They may be particularly helpful if you don't know the exact ingredients in your meal.
Specific products vary, so it is important to know the exact ingredients in whatever you're thinking about taking.
The exact ingredients used to make Cancell are not known.
Ortho-Cyclen does have generic equivalents, which contain the exact same active ingredients.
The scientific hurdles to determining the exact ingredients of such a diet are formidable.