It isn't that simple, though our continuous research gets closer and closer to defining exact parameters.
Though its exact parameters remain debatable, from the early 1970s to the present day the most salient literary movement has been postmodernism.
The exact parameters (temperature, magnetic field strength, length, etc.) of any filter may be tuned to a specific application.
If we knew a population's exact parameters, we would be able to compute a range within which a certain proportion of the population falls.
These uncertainties are largely due to how the exact parameters of the host star are not known.
I don't know the exact parameters, but I suspect everything in this room would be taken.
In order for the site to be closed, the exact parameters of the current seal had to be determined.
The decision did not define the exact parameters that would qualify a work as a valid abridgement.
Fowler describes a steep learning curve, from needing to make sense of the exact parameters to understanding its nuances.
Researchers are working on defining the exact parameters of the disease.