Luckily, it was the exact same pitch I got my hit on.
There was no way to indicate exact pitch, any rhythm, or even the starting note.
It does not, however, specify the exact pitches of the harmony, leaving that for the performer to improvise.
Weston's tone was the exact pitch that parrots liked to mimic.
A butterfly is not easy to capture, and neither is the exact pitch of Bonnard's melancholy vision.
Although rock concerts aren't known for precise intonation, she sang with startlingly exact pitch.
People gradually realized that it was necessary to find a system which showed the exact pitch of the note.
They only operated when touched by a special electronic device that emitted a sound of exact pitch!
But no one else seems to hear, and when a teacher does walk by, I am tempted to make the exact same pitch.
"He made the exact pitch I thought he would," Valentin said.