For contrast, he pointed to one quilt with exact repeats of eight-pointed stars in red and green callico.
In our example, the merging repeat starting in coordinate 77 gets a reference to itself only, because its exact repeats have no previous references.
Again, it was an exact repeat of earlier runs that Alex had made.
This was an exact repeat of the scenario in 2002.
What's happening now is virtually an exact repeat of the troubles Apple went through in the 80s.
"He should only have done one night," Ant whispered after we watched him do an exact repeat of his first show.
There had been another hysterical argument, an almost exact repeat of the first one, except it had been in Henry's bedroom.
Although there must be hundreds of triangles in this creation, it is nearly impossible to find an exact repeat.
It is to be noted that none of these sources mention any further details, beyond saying it was an exact repeat of 1736.
The initial classification is based on exact repeats.