American officials say they are waiting for the group's assets to be frozen worldwide before they offer an exact tally of its accounts.
The Palestinian Authority is unable to keep exact tallies.
Over 12,000 examples were built well into 1944 although contradictory factory and RLM records do not allow an exact tally.
As is the case with some other busy character actors, it's impossible to make an exact tally of the films in which Clara appeared.
An exact tally for the Assembly's plan was not provided on Friday; it was pegged between $1 billion and $2 billion.
His exact tally is not known, as his brother may have taken some wickets.
He wanted to be convinced, but given the exact tally of the two descriptions . . . no.
Here is an exact tally: nineteen pitchers of my best Carhaunge Red.
(No one in the company can summon the heart to make an exact tally.)