It has recently been restored at the British Library, an exacting process that took seven years.
But amateurs who want to experiment can try oil gilding, a less exacting process.
As he busied himself with the exacting processes of drying, enlarging, shading, and printing, he realized how wrong he'd been to give up photography.
Three out of every four column tiles have to be cut by hand, an exacting process.
A. You've heard right: a little bit of oil added to melted chocolate can often allow you to forgo the exacting process of tempering it.
It's a very exacting process calling for specific materials and construction methods.
Fifty-seven sheets of the material are treated with heat, an exacting process involving precision timing.
Gathering the information for the catalogue was a time-consuming and exacting process.
Airframe production has become an exacting process.
His revenge would be a more exacting process.