Though boldly is perhaps an exaggerated description for he walked in the manner of Ikey, which none could even in their wildest imagination call bold.
"Galactic Marshal" was just the exaggerated description used by a sensation-seeking journalist after encountering some alien homino.
Though he claims to be a "ladies monkey", he is caught by Al surfing, giving exaggerated descriptions of his physical appearance.
Each verse has two lines relating what recruits are told, followed by an exaggerated description of the fact.
This may be a somewhat exaggerated description.
Along with an exaggerated description of the costly bus, were figures totaling the salaries of the stars who made up the passenger list.
Schoolchildren on field trips would compare them in essays and scare their little brothers and sisters with slightly exaggerated descriptions.
He became the writer of a series of dime novels under the title The Master of Mississippi, based on a highly exaggerated description of his life.
That may be an arresting statement, but it is hardly an exaggerated description of what they did.
The dusk at Montelard's, her Spanish make-up at Fildrick's, had resulted in exaggerated descriptions by clerks and watchman.