They thought his movies unimportant and banal because they were about women and exaggerated emotions.
Anime-style animation is used to show exaggerated emotions from pure joy to pure misery.
Histrionic personality disorder: pervasive attention-seeking behavior including inappropriately seductive behavior and shallow or exaggerated emotions.
Mr. Dinklage aside, nearly all the performances are less about integrated character than whatever single, exaggerated emotion fits the moment.
Yet at the same time Mozart invites us to laugh at the exaggerated emotions of the Don's victims.
He was mugging terribly, his rubber features running the gamut of exaggerated emotions from wide-eyed amazement to crumpled despair.
However, the automatic captioning is often inaccurate on videos with background music and exaggerated emotion in speaking.
But the exaggerated emotions of the play produce their own histrionics in some roles.
Emotion-consistent account: result of exaggerated emotions.
Opera is by its nature a world of exaggerated emotion and gesture, so it is difficult not to think that some element of power struggle is in play.