It was a Georgian manor a mile outside Haslingfield and the long drive from the road swept around a gracious curve with a stand of silver birches, their leaves shimmering delicately in the slight breeze, their white trunks leaning with exaggerated grace away from the prevailing wind.
He was clumsy as a child, until his father beat it out of him, with the result that even now he kept his movements to a minimum and saw those through with exaggerated grace and care.
White guests would arrive by carriage to watch their slaves pair off and perform a dance-walk that was "as elegant and poised as a Mozart minuet", but flavored with "an exaggerated grace that was sometimes comical".
Mr. Fouchécourt carries on with such exaggerated grace and dignity, and sings with such lyrical elegance (except for the froglike questions of "Quoi?"
Male chamels were horse-size and had the exaggerated grace of a praying mantis.
He stuffed the suit back into the vault, then picked his way with exaggerated grace along the stepping-stones.
With exaggerated grace, Julian bent at the waist and walked each foot out several paces.
She stood straight and walked with exaggerated grace into the living room.
It moved with exaggerated grace through the swarm of beasts surrounding our ship, pushed its way smoothly towards the vessel, and peered gravely in at the viewport.
With exaggerated grace, he extracted four cards and flipped them over.