As he said this, Stepovich's visi- tor gave an exaggerated look around the hospital room and harrumphed.
She wasn't a model for any designer but chose the clothes that were flattering to her and never an exaggerated look.
She feigned an exaggerated look of horrified disappointment.
Tyler flashed an exaggerated look of fear, much to his own amusement.
Jenkins finally realized what the young man had been thinking, and an exaggerated look of outrage came over his weathered face.
What is he trying to tell us with those oddly exaggerated looks of pain and anxiety between the lines?
"No, no," said Michelle, an exaggerated look of exasperation crossing her face.
Hale asked with an exaggerated look of awe.
Virginia Estherbrook gave the boy a dramatically exaggerated look of horror.
Lifting a dark eyebrow he took an exaggerated look at her bottom though she was completely covered in a thick bathrobe.