Deadpan is his forte, but he can slip into exaggerated reactions as well.
But it wasn't as if he could entirely ignore other people's new and exaggerated reactions to him.
And this year, the patriotism has been whipped up by exaggerated reaction to the Supreme Court's flag-burning decision.
For a long while the exaggerated reaction of some readers to my fan- tasies caused me to try to dismiss them altogether.
No more exaggerated reactions to anything she said.
So Mr. Sutton intentionally ran into one sign post with an exaggerated reaction.
This is a cruel way of describing the work, but the pictures invite exaggerated reactions.
Dimenon's eyes began to widen and his mouth dropped in exaggerated reaction.
Part of the price we paid for the systematic lying of 1914-17 was the exaggerated pro-German reaction which followed.
You might expect that mice under constant corticosterone exposure would have an exaggerated reaction to that sound.