Archie was in an exalted mood.
The prospect so enchanted her, and the fierce sweep of the wind so suited her exalted mood, that she remained there all the morning.
To this fact may be attributed Ashe's swift recovery from the exalted mood into which Joan's smile had thrown him, his almost instant emergence from the trance.
Yet even in his exalted mood, he realized there was something strange and different about the square at this end of the bridge.
But she defended their romantic quality: "Imagine Juliet, in her exalted mood, stooping to crawl through the opening of a double-hung window to meet Romeo!"
EIGHT The exalted mood lasted until he reached home.
All sorts of authorities report that they are in an exalted and happy mood.
He was in an exalted mood.
Her exalted mood seemed to make it safe to handle the question.
His exalted mood faded as swiftly as his dream.