Thirty years on, exam performance in all the inner London boroughs would be absolutely stupendous if competition delivered year-on-year improvement.
Unlike statistics such as exam performance, contextual value added attempts to take into account the circumstances of children attending the school that are beyond the school's control.
Although the award was based on exam performance, the amount received was means-tested.
For instance, conscientiousness has consistently emerged as a stable predictor of success in exam performance, largely because conscientious students experiences fewer study delays.
He took a second first, winning the Vinerian Prize and Scholarship for the best exam performance.
Students stress more on exam performance, and teachers are inclined to focus on lecturing to teach students what may be on the test.
"There's wide recognition that effective revision makes a difference to exam performance."
Recent studies have found that general knowledge is associated with exam performance in schoolchildren and proofreading skills.
Great emphasis is placed on exam performance, and the academics are keen to drill down into performance in individual modules.
Keeler seems inclined to attach greater weight to his exam performance than the interview.