Six weeks after the initial interview, the participants were asked to spend four more hours at an examination center in the city or town where they live.
It also has offices and regional examination centres in most other European countries.
During this period it served as an immunization clinic and was also a physical examination center.
Participation included a home examination and a visit to a mobile examination center in one of 89 locations.
You can appear for the test in any one of the 60 examination centres throughout the country.
The Board sets up 1650 examination centres for over 500,000 examinees every year.
Amongst other things the building is used as an examination centre by the Open University.
It can be taken in examination centers in twenty-five different countries.
Use of calculation aids other than logarithm tables, which are provided by the examination center, is prohibited.
Meanwhile alternate set of question papers were sent to the examination centers.