LONG ago, in a galaxy far away, investors examined companies' financial statements with a sharp pencil and a gimlet eye.
The government prohibits airlines from searching more than two Arabs per flight, so it would be terrific if liberals would let us examine their financial statements.
On a whim, Propper wrote a letter in February to Tim Leiweke, the Kings' president, volunteering to examine the team's financial statements.
That competitive ability can be judged by examining a firm's financial statements and its form of governance.
And fund shareholders would do well to examine their statements closely.
"If Senator Bruno is worried about the discourse over rent control, he ought to examine his own statements," Mr. Leichter said.
This approach examines her statements in a vacuum.
Officials of the family services agency said that Ms. Trandel contacted them on Friday and that they were examining her statements.
By law, public corporations hire outside auditors each year to examine their financial statements.
After examining the company's financial statements, he decided that Lernout had pumped up its revenue with related-party transactions.