Therefore on my return to Shropshire I examined sections, and coloured a map of parts round Shrewsbury.
Pathologic staging, where a pathologist examines sections of tissue, can be particularly problematic for two specific reasons: visual discretion and random sampling of tissue.
"I think that he lacked a sense of time," Jeffery said, examining molecule-thin sections of brain, and apparently reading them like sheets of an old book.
Gregor went back to the beginning, and examined selected sections more slowly.
But by examining sections of nerve cells and connective tissue, Dr. Crain said, pathologists could confirm a vegetative state.
Chareos was sitting at the work-bench examining sections of wood shaped for a long-bow.
Haematoxylin and eosin staining protocol is used frequently in histology to examine thin sections of tissue.
One urologist will look through a wide-angle lens at one end of the resectoscope to examine the lobes, or sections, of the enlarged gland.
Before attempting to rebuild a wall, examine undamaged sections.
The standing commissions usually met twice a year to examine relevant sections of the Five Year Plan, the budget and any laws pertaining to their area of interest.