The school still examines new students but only for the purposes of streaming students.
These provided for the establishment of a regular medical school, which both taught and examined medical students.
The answer to cheating is to abandon grade point averages and examine students on their real understanding of a subject.
The report, which was released last spring, examined students who graduated from Chicago public schools in 1998, 1999, 2002 and 2003.
Similar considerations make me sometimes decline to examine students from foreign parts.
How else might we examine students in a more time-effective manner?
A Docent has a right to give lectures in some general courses and to examine students alone.
"Assistant", however, is not permitted to hold a chair, or to examine students alone.
If we're going to examine students then at some point we need a fixed reference point to test them against.
I have to examine students on the following morning.