California's Second District Court of Appeals said in a one-paragraph ruling that it considered an appeal filed Monday by Mr. Keating's lawyers and had examined transcripts of bail proceedings before Superior Court Judge Gary Klausner of Superior Court.
Lehto does not identify the specific person who yelled "fire" but does exhaustively examine news reports, transcripts of interviews with the survivors, the coroner's reports, and other documentation in an attempt to answer the question of whether this was a calculated act by the mine management or a tragic error.
In a one-sentence statement, the panel's chairman and vice chairman said that "after examining available transcripts of the vice president's public remarks, the 9/11 commission believes it has access to the same information the vice president has seen regarding contacts between Al Qaeda and Iraq prior to the 9/11 attacks."
The NHRC has the right to examine transcripts of trials to ensure that genuine attempts have been made to secure convictions.
The group, after examining transcripts of Mr. Browning's remarks, reported that his prediction of the 1989 quake had never specified where the quake might hit.
This afternoon's exchange followed a request in which the jurors sought permission to examine transcripts of testimony by 10 prosecution witnesses.
His discovery of the probable meaning of this cipher, while examining transcripts of the interrogation of William Collins, had failed to dispel the image; Alg-Comp-Mod was with him still, a serpent-necked chimera, its heads nastily human.