One example of an objective idea is in the concept that all perception is relative.
An example of such an idea was the concept that the entire universe is completely nullified to God.
James X. Dempsey countered that section 213 was a "perfect example of a good idea gone too far".
Overall, the game was considered a "shining example of a great idea poorly executed."
I wonder what Naughton's example of a small idea is.
The reorganization effort is considered a good example of a promising idea badly handled.
Vibe is an example of a brilliantly simple idea, elegantly executed.
New Holland, one of the city's many small islands, is one example of a grand idea that went sour.
It's an example, he said, of a simple idea that will make people happy.
An example of an idea generated by the bureau for the military is the Desert Iris Jeep.