This is also an example of House's tendency to self-experiment and submit to risky medical procedures in the name of truth.
This is another example of the Bush administration's misguided tendency to see everything in economic terms.
The decision was criticized as an example of the Court's growing tendency to exalt Presidential power.
He said that we were both good examples of our odious tendency to go easy on ourselves.
No doubt that was an example of her regrettable tendency to cynicism.
This is an all-too-typical example of the bureaucrats' tendency to ignore the real situations they create when they change regulations.
It's an example of the Type B's tendency to contract unusual slow-growing viral and neurological disorders.
Culture jamming is presented as one example of the Internet audience's tendency to subvert privately owned meanings.
To me it seems the worst and most wasteful example of science's tendency to construct theories of the universe from scraps of evidence.
The unrealistic caps set in 1997 were a classic example of politicians' tendency to schedule all their really tough challenges for sometime in the future.