Marc was the most annoying and exasperating man she had ever met!
The Pentagon engineers were the most exasperating men in Washington when it came to doing business.
"That is the most exasperating man in the world," Porenn declared.
Oh, he must be the most exasperating man she'd ever met.
You can be the most exasperating man in the world.
Because Dan Dannerman had said so, and what an exasperating man he was.
"Boss, you are the most exasperating man I have ever met."
I don't know," she said, "that I've met a more exasperating man.
'You are the most exasperating man I ever knew,' Dotty said, and she went off to bed.
To begin with, he is the most difficult and exasperating man that I know - except for myself.