Archaeological excavation at Gezer has been going on since the early 1900s, and it has become one of the most excavated sites in Israel.
Significantly, Golabai is the only excavated site in Odisha where boat building has been revealed.
This excavated site is about 13 by 9 feet, but the original Vulcanal is thought to have been somewhat larger.
It may be the most excavated site in Britain, with no fewer than 170 trenches.
The principal excavated site, Zona Archeologica, is located on the northwest corner of the modern city.
The archaeologists, who announced the find yesterday, described it as the oldest known excavated site of large-scale organized warfare.
The original excavated site where fossils of Neanderthal man were found is also close to the museum.
Located on the bank of the Punarbhaba, the excavated site reflects its urban character.
But the public would not be able to see the excavated site.
However, Cueva Blanca is the only excavated site assigned to this time period.