Since then, the excavation trenches from the mining had evolved into ponds ranging in size from a 'few feet across to several acres.
The Trust's excavation trenches revealed the remains of 13th-14th century stone buildings.
The 2012 excavation trenches revealed the original wall trenches, which were filled with mortar from the removal of the original stones.
Others kneel in excavation trenches, using trowels and brushes to uncover what remains of the earliest known village in southeastern Anatolia.
She looked up, judging how much more time she might have to herself before the next labor shift out in the excavation trenches.
Jeffrey Davies' excavation trench, which he dug in 1974, caused a large line of static.
The remains have seen some restoration and the lines of excavation trenches are apparent.
At the close of their excavation Bliss and Macalister refilled all of their excavation trenches in order to preserve the site.
The remains of furrows found within the excavation trenches indicated that the field system originally covered a greater area.
Sand continuously drifted into the excavation trench and water clarity was poor.