In 2007 however, births exceeded deaths for the first time, and this trend has continued through to 2011.
Even so, military casualties were very light on both sides; civilian deaths exceeded combined military deaths by one.
While such deaths far exceed deaths by gun wounds, they have declined sharply.
And experts estimate that injuries from firearms exceed deaths from firearms by 10 to 1.
In several cohorts of the study, stroke deaths exceeded deaths from coronary heart disease.
(It was not until 1917 that Indian births exceeded deaths for the first time in more than fifty years.)
During the same period, births exceeded deaths by roughly 450 per year, a significant number but not enough to offset the losses due to migration.
Births exceeded deaths and immigrants from overseas replaced many of the people who moved out.
But the loss is more than offset by 1.2 million immigrants, about 500,000 of them illegal, plus growth from births exceeding deaths.