Olga Serra sang the five songs; her mezzo-soprano exchanges fundamental heft for exceedingly clear diction.
Packer delivers rapid-fire, exceedingly clear analysis.
The atmosphere on the plateaus is exceedingly clear, so that objects are easily recognizable at great distances.
You might think that the meaning of the word "unlimited" is exceedingly clear, but if your Internet service provider is Prodigy, think again.
You make yourself exceedingly clear, coz.
The Beetles made their plans exceedingly clear but they might be exceptions to the rule of peaceful exploration.
She made the picture exceedingly clear to Blade-much too clear.
They materialized in a small glade with wooded hills to each side, except one which enjoyed a stream of exceedingly clear water.
Now that she actually lived at the place where she worked, it was exceedingly clear.
The picture had become exceedingly clear.