Furthermore, users will find it exceedingly costly to organize a very large number of opportunistic computing resources in a manner that can achieve reasonable high performance computing.
From its very introduction and inception the gas balloon, an expensive and fragile structure in itself, had proved at all times exceedingly costly in actual use.
The trouble is, these market gyrations have consequences: they are highly distressing to investors' psyches and exceedingly costly to their portfolios.
More important, the raid left open a threat that it could happen again, a threat that forced the Japanese to take defensive measures that proved exceedingly costly.
Construction and maintenance proved to be exceedingly costly, as the Bermuda Railway was built along a coastal route to minimize the amount of land acquisition needed for the right-of-way.
But Cartiff, the great jeweler, would be expected to wear very large and exceedingly costly gems.
Ahead lie some wrenching political battles, and nowhere is that more clear than in the sprawling, complicated, exceedingly sensitive and exceedingly costly Medicare program for the elderly.
With Uganda's resources already overburdened, it makes little sense to embrace an approach that is exceedingly costly from fiscal, human and environmental standpoints.
It is exceedingly costly and damaging to the European Union in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and in the other countries I mentioned.
The plates were in boron carbide, which, though exceedingly costly due to its superior lightness, has remained the material of choice for aerospace applications.