This remains an excellent approximation for everyday life and even most laboratory work.
Now you have an excellent approximation for the potential energy in a set mousetrap.
Sampling such an audio signal at 20k sam/sec or more provides an excellent approximation to meeting the criterion.
However, we also know that in most situations they are an excellent approximation of what really happens.
Her jaw was set, her gaze steady in an excellent approximation of courage.
An excellent approximation to is , which can be used in both formulas.
This old technique obtains an excellent rational approximation to one of the roots by manipulating the equation directly.
It is an excellent approximation, however, when the wavelength is very small compared with the size of structures with which the light interacts.
If the source is confined to a small region very far away, to an excellent approximation we have:
The Rastafarian had affected an accent that seemed an excellent approximation of how a stoned robot might sound.