It would be excellent camouflage if he ever got out of here.
"I think you can handle it, and it is excellent camouflage."
If you are concerned about being attacked, ships armed with my device will have excellent camouflage.
There was no harm in allowing others to share that peace and space; on the contrary, it made excellent camouflage.
Because of this, visually the animal blends perfectly with its environment, providing excellent camouflage.
It is seldom spotted because of its excellent camouflage.
The color was a mottled green and gray - excellent camouflage here.
The underside is a pale greenish and serves as excellent camouflage when at rest.
The show's elaborate costumes make this placement difficult, but they provide excellent camouflage.
Was it because the color matched their skin and afforded an excellent camouflage when they were on the surface?