Leslie is an excellent communicator and commands universal respect.
There is therefore a very strong feedback to improve writing skills for real scientists, and all the successful scientists I know are excellent written communicators.
Volunteers will need to be excellent communicators as well as skilled in interviewing people.
It starts from selecting excellent communicators for the team members and the right technology for them to use.
He is an excellent communicator who knows how to develop young players.
He/she must be a proven fund raiser, an excellent communicator and a team player with real administrative ability.
Call to mind a person you consider an excellent communicator- and a model manager.
"They wanted someone knowledgeable in all areas, who was an excellent communicator with a good business sense."
The candidates must be excellent communicators and capable of working on their own initiative.
With him, it's honestly a toss-up between he is an excellent communicator and the funniest man I've ever met.