A hash of delicate crabmeat and scallops stuffed into a large raviolo, on a bed of what the menu called carrot tagliatelle, was an excellent composition.
It's an excellent composition.
The music of Buena Fe has a unique sound an excellent compositions.
The Trinity of Carnatic Music were responsible for making some excellent compositions towards the end of the 18th century.
Roast duck fillet ($18.50), crisp around the outside, is the centerpiece of an excellent composition, including sautéed endive and a delicious little prune tart.
Happily, a 1974 studio reunion enabled the trio to record several of Mont Campbell's excellent compositions which otherwise would have been lost to posterity.
His maps were an excellent composition of social and geographic data, even by today's well-developed Geographic Information System's point of view.
Captain Hilda is an excellent composition herself.
On the other side, heat and vivacity in age, is an excellent composition for business.
That Mr. Griffiths would promote gimmickry to the detriment of excellent composition is infuriating.