The stone also provides an excellent insulation against heat.
Straw provides excellent insulation and fire resistance in a traditional post-and-beam structure, where a wood frame supports the house.
Adobe doesn't let much heat through to the inside of the structure, thus providing excellent insulation during the summer to reduce energy costs.
These materials serve as an excellent insulation preventing heat from passing through.
She wouldn't need the coat; the thin-film sleeping bag was excellent insulation, particularly with the hood pulled up.
Given all the trapped gas inside, aerogels make for excellent insulation against both terrestrial and extraterrestrial heat.
This makes concrete an excellent insulation, improving the sustainability of the building it surrounds by reducing the required energy to maintain climate.
Its light weight and excellent insulation make it especially popular with female customers.
This makes it lightweight and portable with excellent insulation.
Cob walls become a heat store, giving them excellent natural insulation.