That is fine, but in the process they forget the most critical element of preparing excellent pasta: timing.
It came with a surprising but excellent Asian pasta, ravioli stuffed with sweet red kuri squash.
For good, affordable Italian food, excellent pasta and quaffable wines, both on the mountain and in town, it's difficult to beat Courmayeur.
It serves excellent pasta, with seafood fettuccine and chicken Parmesan specialties.
Tender and full of flavor, it is garnished with excellent fresh pasta.
Whether ordered for a first course or as an entree, the excellent pasta this kitchen makes daily should not be missed.
There's an unbeatable set lunch, and excellent pasta, crepes, Mexican snacks and meat dishes, plus a great choice of drinks.
The sea bass ceviche and steaks were so good that we went back to try what turned out to be equally excellent pasta.
Or try the excellent pastas like penne in a creamy, spicy amatriciana sauce.
We were treated to some excellent pastas.