Solid bone structure, well-articulated joints, excellent posture.
Mademoiselle Stone has a natural grace and excellent posture.
They have excellent posture.
I must say, for someone tossed about in a den of artists, you have excellent posture.
What goes up high with excellent posture and doesn't come down in a horizontal splat is invariably good.
Sarah is "tall, slender, light-skinned, neatly dressed," with "excellent posture."
The clean-shaven gentleman on the couch, with the excellent posture, the pastel golf shirt, and that strangely chaste yet fiery look in his eye?
Across a room full of people with excellent posture, nice manners and the unmistakable look of apprehension that says, "How did it ever come to this?"
But they do have excellent posture.
"That's my weakness, shoes," Ms. Von Furstenberg said, sitting with excellent posture at her desk in a studio corner.