The action used an internal box magazine and the Mauser-type claw extractor for controlled round feeding for excellent reliability.
For nicer units, the Seasonic S12-430 is a particularly good power supply, with low noise, clean power, and excellent reliability, but like any nice unit, it's pricey.
The Sterling has a reputation for excellent reliability under adverse conditions and, even though it fires from an open bolt, good accuracy.
It is designed to perform at high speed with excellent reliability and consistancy.
Same money or less than a Yaris and excellent reliability (best in recent Warranty Direct figures), so better value for money.
Expect the Accord to have its usual high quality control, excellent reliability and strong resale value.
We like: Another accomplished D-segment Mazda, comfortable and fun to drive with excellent reliability.
The RWA scale also has excellent internal reliability, with coefficient alpha typically measuring between 0.85 and 0.94.
Studer's analog tape recorders are widely considered to be the best in world by Audio engineers due to their excellent reliability and sound quality.
The Toyota Highlander is an excellent, if plain-looking, package, with a good ride, capable handling and excellent reliability.