I have an excellent remedy, if you will but let me give it to you.
The leaves and shoots of watercress were an excellent remedy for gout.
"An excellent and perfectly simple remedy made of the juice of plants, and absolutely harmless."
It has been my experience, faced with a bewildering perplexity of information, that sleep is an excellent remedy for confusion.
To feel better, the village chocolatier would offer them a hot chocolate, which he claimed was an excellent remedy.
Dr Greysteel told Strange that they would come again the next day and he took the opportunity once more to recommend sleep as an excellent remedy.
For mealybugs, the cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol is an excellent remedy.
For true white spot, W.S.3 is an excellent remedy, and there is no need to isolate the fish during treatment.
Ginger tea is an excellent remedy for colds.
Excellent article, with an excellent remedy.