It has an excellent beach, and bistros on the port serve excellent seafood.
The small menu offers simple renditions of veg with pasta and excellent seafood.
Macondo, an outdoor restaurant behind the square, (21) 741-851, serves excellent seafood.
Aside from the beaches and the excellent seafood, there are fewer obvious attractions here for the tourist than on other sections of the French coast.
It is not a beach place but somewhere to enjoy mild weather and excellent seafood.
But our greatest find was the friendly Dolphin pub, serving excellent local seafood, and with a games room for children of all ages.
The hotel also maintains a dining room serving Continental cuisine, including excellent fresh seafood (dinner for two is about $40 without wine).
Mr. Svenningsen buys excellent seafood and puts it to righteous use.
If you are in the mood to splurge on excellent seafood, this is the place.
Casey's of Baltimore (+353 28 20197, from €96) is a great overnight stop and its restaurant serves excellent seafood.