The Colonel, whom García Márquez has described as his "umbilical cord with history and reality," was also an excellent storyteller.
He was an excellent storyteller and in normal circumstances Loretta would have enjoyed his acerbic comments on his colleagues' conduct at the meeting.
In fact, he is an excellent storyteller and the story is entertaining me.
Multiversity Comics praised "Ken Garing's excellent artistic style" and calls him an "excellent sequential storyteller."
He is an excellent storyteller.
He turned out to be an excellent storyteller, so the tale caught them up and out of their own predicament very quickly.
Chekhov's mother, Yevgeniya, was an excellent storyteller who entertained the children with tales of her travels with her cloth-merchant father all over Russia.
He was an excellent storyteller.
Baden-Powell was regarded as an excellent storyteller.
She had traveled extensively and was an excellent storyteller.