The vent windows had provided excellent ventilation at highway speeds, but at the expense of wind noise.
"Notice the excellent ventilation," Captain Noda enthuses, and Goto Dengo grins proudly.
This needs to be done with excellent ventilation.
They provide excellent ventilation especially during summer and aesthetically as well.
They are designed to have excellent ventilation, typically having large side and top opening ventilators.
Constructed of 100% cotton with nylon mesh vents, it has excellent yet discreet ventilation and lots of convenient pockets.
Plants are best grown in a temperate environment with 50-70% shading and excellent ventilation.
Mesh canopy offers excellent ventilation in warm climates and the dark color is easy to see through with little or no distortion.
Every structure faces the sunlight, and in some well designed naalukettu, there is excellent ventilation.
Hero's factory in Gurgaon, where Honda holds a minority stake, has far better safety standards and excellent ventilation.